"Our customers are used to the medium, and through the years we can see that the catalogue really has made an impact."

Engelsons have a long history of providing clothes and gear for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts all over Sweden. Starting out as a mail order firm in 1974, the catalogue was essential from the beginning and still has a strong position in the company’s marketing.

“Our customers are used to the medium, and through the years we can see that the catalogue really has made an impact. We continuously measure all our channels and the catalogue still has a positive effect,” says David Sonfalk, project manager and business developer at Engelsons.

Sent to 400,000 homes

The catalogue comes out 10 times a year, focusing on different themes or seasons. At most it’s sent to 400,000 homes, but some catalogues are segmented to certain interests, such as hunting. “Our customers get a pretty good overview of all our products. Something that I think is hard to get online,” says Sonfalk.

Engelsons can also see how other channels such as search engine marketing get more clicks right after the catalogue is out. “We will definitely not stop making catalogues. We might look over the volume and how many we post, but the catalogue is here to stay", says Sonfalk.

This text is an excerpt from the text "Catalogue hunter" by Richard Halling Lindholm, published in PAPER #7.